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books for the bereaved

The anguish of grief is often dismissed, isolated, and misunderstood by our “get-over-it-already” culture. Yet grievers need compassion and meaningful resources to find their way to healing and renewal hence our goal to provide free books for comfort, information, inspiration ---- and hope.

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vision      community      supporters      leadership      contact   

our mission: Grievers Library offers the companionship of free grief books and on-line resources to those among us living with grief. 

We provide free biblio-therapy for grievers through:

  • book boxes - located in the Seattle area, stocked with grief books for children, teens + adults

  • global (on-line) - 18 categories of grief books hyper-linked to a worldwide database of public libraries 

  • EZreads (on-line) - excerpts from books, blogs and research articles sorted by different types of losses

  • resource table - please check our "news" page to see upcoming public events where we host a resource table with free grief books

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our vision: The Grievers Library strives to be a beacon of solace and support, ensuring that every bereaved individual in our community has access to free grief resources that offer comfort, understanding, and hope for healing.

our community: The Grievers Library is fueled by volunteerism and love. Just like the food bank gives away free food, we give away free books. That’s why we call the Grievers Library a “love bank.” And, as you know, love and compassion are the greatest nourishment anyone can provide to bereaved individuals.

engage. collaborate. contribute.


If you, or someone you know, is living with grief, please take a book or two from any of our Book Boxes. They are there for you, or for your children, labeled with topics intended to help you find the right one. You are welcome to reach out to the Grievers Library to ask about books or grief resources here

work parties

The Grievers Library hosts work parties to label grief books for 3 hours on a weekend afternoon. Volunteers enjoy treats, music and comradery. Form your own group of 6 friends, or let us add you to a group of kindred spirits. Please contact us here.


Do you have time or expertise to donate to our project? We welcome your support as:

  • book courier

  • book "buddy" (LFL owner)

  • admin support

  • IT support

To volunteer, please contact us here

grief authors

We are grateful to the authors who generously donate copies of their grief books for distribution through our Book Boxes. In appreciation, we list all author- and publisher-donated books in our author's circleFor our shipping address, please go here.

our supporters: The Grievers Library is a nascent, grass-roots initiative that has received the support of hundreds of donors and volunteers since its conception in the Fall of 2021. We are truly thankful for the in-kind and monetary donations of all of our supporters.

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If you wish to donate "books for grievers," please go here.

If you wish to donate "bucks for books," please go here

our leadership: The Grievers Library is led by a devoted team of professionals with extensive nonprofit experience. Every board member is committed to our mission and vision of the providing solace and comfort to bereaved individuals through free bibliotherapy.

president: Pamela Belyea is a licensed architect with a master’s degree in educational administration. She co-founded and ran Gage Academy of Art, a non-profit art school in Seattle, for 23 years. She has also served as the part-time administrator for a local private foundation. As its founder and volunteer Executive Director, Pamela refers to the Grievers Library is her "Compassion Project."

vice-president: Julie Tall is a local business owner and entrepreneur. As a community volunteer, Julie served for five years as Chair of the Bastyr University Board of Trustees, and for nine years as a trustee on the board of Gage Academy of Art, two of those as President. Julie brings a passion for community, art and beauty to all of her endeavors.

treasurer: Kathy Frodsham is a retired CPA who worked for 27 years as an auditor with the U.S. federal government. Her final position was Assistant Field Director for the Seattle office of Customs and Border Protection, Regulatory Audit. Kathy’s volunteer work includes 15 years with the Seattle Public Schools in various capacities; many years with the Friends of The Seattle Public Library; and, a few years at the Ballard Food Bank. Currently, Kathy is a regular office volunteer for the Grievers Library.

secretary: Muriel Dance is a Board-Certified Chaplain who recently retired as Executive Director of a Jewish nonprofit in LA. After graduating from the Academy for Jewish Religion, CA, she was a spiritual counselor at Skirball Hospice. Previously, Muriel helped start two nonprofits and served on the boards of Hillel at the UW and the Seattle Hebrew Academy. Muriel earned her Ph.D. in English from UC Berkeley and has worked as a college professor and academic dean. She also served as a Senior Educator at Hebrew University’s Melton Centre.

chair, development committee: Cecily Kaplan has worked in the non-profit world and the field of aging for over 40 years. She worked for the Stroum Jewish Community Center, Temple Beth Am and most recently retired as the Director of Senior Programs and Services for the Phinney Neighborhood Association. In her retirement, Cecily is working part-time for Old Friends Club, a social respite program for those living with dementia. She is proud to contribute her wisdom to the Board of the Grievers Library.

contact us

Grievers Library
5004 6th Ave NW

Seattle WA 98107-3511


phone: 206 852-7959

Grievers Library is registered as a charitable nonprofit corporation in the State of Washington and a tax-exempt 501(c)(3)  organization with the IRS.

our EIN is 99-3433539

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