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free grief services - local & national

Call 866-427-4747, day or night, if you are in emotional distress and in need of help.

Living with grief can be devastating and debilitating. Finding the right support services can be challenging, intimidating and expensive. The below list of free or donation-based services has been compiled from the internet and is current as of November 2023. Grievers Library is not endorsing or guaranteeing any of the services listed. If you have suggestions or revisions to offer, please send us an email here.

baby loss | 24/7 on-line "discussion forum" for parents (UK) | useful information & Facebook support group

Lily Mae Foundation | on-line support group, 1x month

Parent Support of Puget Sound | on-line support group, 1x month; 4 Facebook support groups; annual remembrance walk

Children's Hospital - Journey Program | individual and group therapy for parents and siblings


bereaved child

The Healing Center | 4 child to teen support groups

Safe Crossings @ Providence Hospice | individual & family support; in person support groups; weekend bereavement camp

Dougy Center | on-line articles & activities for ages 0-12; peer support groups 
Camp Erin - Free weekend camp for bereaved youth ages 6 to 18; national locations.


bereaved spouse

The Healing Center | 4 spouse/partner support groups incl. SOS

Widowed Info ( | weekly support groups in 5 Seattle-area locations; telephone support with widowed volunteers

Providence Hospice Bereavement Services | spouse/partner support groups, 1x month   

Virginia Mason Grief Services (for natural death - cancer, heart condition, etc,) | short-term individual support; 8-week 2 hr on-line group sessions   


bereaved young adult

The Healing Center | SOS support group, 4x month

young adult support group, 2x month

Suicide Bereavement for Teens - SB4T | SOS support group, 1x month

Safe Crossings @ Providence Hospice | individual & family support; support groups; weekend bereavement camp 

Dougy Center | grief podcasts; on-line activities, articles for teens (13-18) & young adults (19-40); grief support groups 


cancer loss

Cancer Pathways | bereavement group meets 1x or 2x month

Virginia Mason Grief Services | short-term individual support; 8-week 2 hr on-line group sessions  

child loss  

The Compassionate Friends | depression and crisis hotline; bereavement packet; 35 different private Facebook groups; 18 scheduled live chat rooms

Cancer Pathways | parent grief group, 2x month

Dougy Center | grief podcasts; on-line activities, articles, support groups 

general grief support

Swedish - Edmonds | compassionate listener;  "intro to grief" 1x class      

Evergreen Grief & Bereavement Services | "Grief 101" - 2 hr class 1x month; 6-week 2 hr creativity support group; 4-week mindfulness meditation support group | free & cheap on-line grief coping classes; grief podcasts     

video resources

How to Help a Grieving Friend.JPG

how do you help a grieving friend?

This short, sweet animation, posted on YouTube by Megan Devine, is easy to share with friends who want to support you, but don't know how.

TED TALK - Amy Biancolli.JPG

You're still here - Living after suicide

There are many useful and informative TedTalk narratives on YouTube reflecting on death, grief and loss. Above: Amy Biancolli, shares her grief and wisdom around the suicide deaths of her husband and sister.

overdose loss

Grief Recovery after a Substance Passing (GRASP) | Everett Chapter support group, 1x month; meditation & relaxation exercises


sudden traumatic loss (homicide, suicide, accident, overdose)

Virginia Mason | Grief Services10-week 2 hr support group (pre-registration req'd)

Swedish - Edmonds | How long - how does it work?

Victim Support Services | temporary suspension of support groups

Mothers Against Drunk Driving | 7/24 victim help line - 877-623-3435)


suicide loss (survivor of suicide - SOS) 

Crisis Connections | on-line SOS support group, 2x month; SOS care package and/or phone mentor

The Healing Center | SOS support group for spouse loss, 2x month

Friends for Survival (CA) | on-line SOS support groups

Eastside SOS | on-line SOS support group, 2x month

Alliance of Hope | 24/7 on-line SOS "discussion forum" 

Safe Place | on-line SOS support group, 2x month

Crossing Survivors of Suicide Loss | on-line SOS support group, 1x week

The Healing Connection | on-line SOS support group, 1x month

Dougy Center | suicide support articles, activities & podcast

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